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Sicuramente sapete che Skype fornisce una lista di emoticons (faccine) da inserire nelle chat. Quello che non sapete è esistono delle emoticons nascoste di Skype! Vediamo come usarle e far morire di invidia i nostri amici…

Elenco delle emoticons nascoste di skype

Emoticon Code Notes
(mooning) Mooning emoticon, perfect…
(finger) Middle finger emoticon, a very rude emoticon to express yourself.
(swear) Swearing smiley, his words are just too rude to show!
(rock) Rocking smiley, making a hand gesture and enjoying his music.
(smoking) Smoking emoticon, this hidden smiley is one bad dude!
(drunk) Drunk emoticon, this Skype smiley’s had a bit too much to drink
(poolparty) Pool party emoticon, this guy just can’t wait to jump in!
(toivo) A guy and his dog, not sure what this emoticon is about, but Toivo was a Skype engineer.
(bandit) Masked bandit emoticon, quite unique. Good for when some stealth is required.
(headbang) Angry smiley banging his head against a wall, we’ve all felt this way sometime.
(fubar) FUBAR emoticon, for times when things just won’t work.
(tmi) Too Much Information (TMI) emoticon, good for when you’ve heard more than enough!
(bug) Bug emoticon, a black
(heidy) Squirrel emoticon, a cute little critter and his nut. Heidi is a Skype staff member.
(myspace) MySpace emoticon, new in Skype 3.6 to commemorate the Skype-MySpace partnership!

Per usarle basta copiare il codice nella finestra di chat ed il gioco è fatto!

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